Source code for ESOAsg.core.tap_queries

r"""Module to create and run TAP queries

The Table Access Protocol (TAP) is a web-service protocol that gives access to collections of tabular data referred to
collectively as a `tableset`. TAP services accept queries posed against the `tableset` available via the service and
return the query response as another table, in accord with the relational model. Queries to the ESO TAP services are
submitted using the Astronomical Data Query Language ADQL [O08]_.

Currently, ESOAsg offers two TAP services:

* `eso_tap_obs`: to query both the database tables describing the observed raw and reduced data obtained at the La
  Silla Paranal Observatory, and the database table containing the ESO ambient conditions and meteorological
  measurements (seeing, isoplanatic angle, precipitable water, turbulence profiles, etc.)

* `eso_tap_cat`: to query the scientific catalogues provided by the principal investigators of ESO observing programmes

More information on the ESO TAP service are at `this web-page
<>`_ and some examples are given in `these notebooks

.. [O08] Oritz et al., (2008) `IVOA Astronomical Data Query Language <>`_


from pyvo import dal
from pyvo.dal import DALQueryError
from pyvo.dal import DALFormatError

from ESOAsg import default
from ESOAsg import msgs

# currently supported tap services
TAP_SERVICES = ['eso_tap_cat', 'eso_tap_obs']
# type of queries currently allowed
TAP_QUERY_TYPES = ['sync', 'async']
# list of columns that will be queried in
COLUMNS_FROM_OBSCORE = ['target_name', 'dp_id', 's_ra', 's_dec', 't_exptime', 'em_min', 'em_max', 'dataproduct_type',
                        'instrument_name', 'obstech', 'abmaglim', 'proposal_id', 'obs_collection']

# I/O:

[docs]def define_tap_service(which_tap_service): r"""Load a Table Access Protocol (TAP) service from defaults Currently the supported `TAP services <>`_ are: * `eso_tap_cat`: TAP service for scientific catalogues generated by ESO observing teams * `eso_tap_obs`: TAP service for raw, reduced, and ambient data See `pyvo docs <>`_ for further details Args: which_tap_service (str): Select the `TAP services <>`_ to be queried Returns: pyvo.dal.tap.TAPService: TAP service used for the queries """ if which_tap_service not in TAP_SERVICES: msgs.error('{} not a valid entry for TAP services. Possibilities are: {}'.format(which_tap_service, TAP_SERVICES)) tap_service = dal.tap.TAPService(default.get_value(which_tap_service)) return tap_service
[docs]def which_service(tap_service): r"""Print a summary description of the TAP service used Args: tap_service (pyvo.dal.tap.TAPService): TAP service used for the queries Returns: None """'The TAP service used is:') tap_service.describe() return
[docs]def run_query(tap_service, query, type_of_query, maxrec=default.get_value('maxrec')): r"""Run query to TAP service and return result as an `astropy.Table` If the job requires to much time to run, the code will move to an asynchronous query. Args: tap_service (pyvo.dal.tap.TAPService): TAP service that will be used for the query query (str): query to be run type_of_query (str): type of query to be run maxrec (int): define the maximum number of entries that a single query can return. Default is set by default.get_value('maxrec') Returns: astropy.table: result from the query to the TAP service """ if type_of_query not in TAP_QUERY_TYPES: msgs.error('{} not a valid entry for the type of TAP query. Possibilities are: {}'.format(type_of_query, TAP_QUERY_TYPES)) # Obtaining query results and convert it to an astropy table if query is not None: if type_of_query == 'sync': result_from_query = run_query_sync(tap_service, query, maxrec=maxrec) else: result_from_query = run_query_async(tap_service, query, maxrec=maxrec) else: msgs.warning('Empty query provided') result_from_query = None return result_from_query
[docs]def run_query_sync(tap_service, query, maxrec=default.get_value('maxrec')): r"""Run a synchronous query to TAP service and return result as an `astropy.Table` If the synchronous query fails, the code automatically tries to run the same query asynchronously Args: tap_service (pyvo.dal.tap.TAPService): TAP service that will be used for the query query (str): query to be run maxrec (int): define the maximum number of entries that a single query can return. Default is set by default.get_value('maxrec') Returns: astropy.table: result from the query to the TAP service """ try: result_from_query =, maxrec=maxrec).to_table() except (ValueError, DALQueryError, DALFormatError): msgs.warning('The query timed out. Trying `async` instead') result_from_query = run_query_async(tap_service=tap_service, query=query, maxrec=maxrec) return result_from_query
[docs]def run_query_async(tap_service, query, maxrec=default.get_value('maxrec')): r"""Run an asynchronous query to TAP service and return result as an `astropy.Table` Args: tap_service (pyvo.dal.tap.TAPService): TAP service that will be used for the query query (str): query to be run maxrec (int): define the maximum number of entries that a single query can return. Default is set by default.get_value('maxrec') Returns: astropy.table: result from the query to the TAP service """ tap_job = tap_service.submit_job(query=query, maxrec=maxrec) # Wait for Executing tap_job.wait(phases=["EXECUTING", "ERROR", "ABORTED"], timeout=10.)'The query to the tap_service is in the status: {}'.format(str(tap_job.phase))) # Wait for Completed tap_job.wait(phases=["COMPLETED", "ERROR", "ABORTED"], timeout=10.)'The query to the tap_service is in the status: {}'.format(str(tap_job.phase))) # Fetch the results tap_job.raise_if_error() return tap_job.fetch_result().to_table()
# Query builders: # General def _create_comma_separated_list(list_of_strings): r"""Given a list of strings, returns them in a single string using comma as separator If `list_of_string is None, a `*` character is returned Args: list_of_strings (list, optional): list of `str` Returns: str: single string containing all the entries of the input list separated by a comma """ if list_of_strings is None: final_string = '*' else: final_string = ' ' for single_string in list_of_strings: final_string = final_string + ', ' + single_string # remove initial `,` final_string = final_string.strip()[2:] return final_string # Catalogues:
[docs]def create_query_all_catalogues(all_versions=False, collections=None, tables=None): r"""Create TAP query that returns info on all catalogues in the ESO archive If `collections` or `tables` are not `None` only the query for the selected collections/tables is returned Args: all_versions (bool): if set to `True` also obsolete versions of the catalogues are listed collections (list, optional): list of `str` containing the names of the collections that are going to be selected tables (list, optional): list of `str` containing the table_name of the tables that are going to be selected Returns: str: string containing the query to obtain all catalogues present in the ESO archive """ query_all_catalogues = ''' SELECT collection, title, version, table_name, filter, instrument, telescope, publication_date, ref.description as description, number_rows, number_columns, rel_descr_url, acknowledgment, cat_id, mjd_obs, mjd_end, skysqdeg, bibliography, document_id, kc.from_column as from_column, k.target_table as target_table, kc.target_column as target_column, schema_name FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables as ref LEFT OUTER JOIN TAP_SCHEMA.keys as k on ref.table_name = k.from_table AND k.target_table in (SELECT T.table_name FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables as T WHERE 3 in (SELECT count(*) FROM TAP_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_name=T.table_name AND (ucd = 'pos.eq.ra;meta.main' OR ucd = 'pos.eq.dec;meta.main' OR ucd = ';meta.main') ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN TAP_SCHEMA.key_columns as kc on k.key_id=kc.key_id WHERE schema_name = 'safcat' ''' if not all_versions: query_last_version_only = ''' AND cat_id in (SELECT cat_id FROM (SELECT t1.cat_id cat_id FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TAP_SCHEMA.tables t2 on (t1.title = t2.title and t1.version < t2.version) WHERE t2.title is null ) t)''' query_all_catalogues = query_all_catalogues + query_last_version_only if collections is not None: query_select_collections = ''' AND ({} )'''.format(condition_collections_like(collections)) query_all_catalogues = query_all_catalogues + query_select_collections if tables is not None: query_select_tables = ''' AND ({} )'''.format(condition_tables_like(tables)) query_all_catalogues = query_all_catalogues + query_select_tables return query_all_catalogues
[docs]def create_query_all_columns(collections=None, tables=None): r"""Create a query that get names (and corresponding info) of the columns present in a collection (or in a table) If `collections` and `tables` are `None` the query for the column of all collections in the ESO archive is returned. Args: collections (list, optional): list of `str` containing the names of the collections for which columns information will be returned tables (list, optional): list of `str` containing the table_name for which columns information will be returned Returns: str: string containing the query to obtain information on all columns present in the ESO archive """ query_all_columns = ''' SELECT table_name, column_name, ucd, datatype, description, unit FROM TAP_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_name in (SELECT table_name FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables WHERE {} ) AND ({} )'''.format(condition_collections_like(collections), condition_tables_like(tables)) return query_all_columns
[docs]def create_query_table(table_name, columns=None): r"""Create a query to return selected columns from a table Args: columns (list, optional): list of `str` containing the columns that will be queried table_name (str): name of the table that will be queried Returns: str: query to obtain data from a table """ query = ''' SELECT {} FROM {} '''.format(_create_comma_separated_list(columns), table_name) return query
# Observations
[docs]def create_query_obscore_base(): r"""Create the base string for a query to `ivoa.ObsCore` Returns: str: Base for the `ivoa.ObsCore` queries """ query_base = ''' SELECT {} FROM ivoa.ObsCore'''.format(_create_comma_separated_list(COLUMNS_FROM_OBSCORE)) return query_base
[docs]def condition_intersects_ra_dec(ra, dec, radius=None): r"""Create the WHERE INTERSECTS condition string for a query Args: ra (float): RA of the target in degrees and in the ICRS system dec (float): Dec of the target in degrees and in the ICRS system radius (float, optional): Search radius in arcsec. If set to `None` no radius will be considered in the INTERSECT condition Returns: str: String containing the WHERE INTERSECT condition for a query """ if radius is None: query_intersects_ra_dec = ''' WHERE INTERSECTS(POINT('ICRS',{0},{1}), s_region) = 1'''.format(str(ra), str(dec)) else: query_intersects_ra_dec = ''' WHERE INTERSECTS(s_region,CIRCLE('ICRS',{0},{1},{2}/3600.)) = 1'''.format(str(ra), str(dec), str(radius)) return query_intersects_ra_dec
[docs]def condition_intersects_polygon(polygon): r"""Create the WHERE INTERSECTS polygon condition string for a query Args: polygon (str): coordinates of the verices of the polygon in the sky Returns: str: String containing the WHERE INTERSECT condition for a query """ query_intersects_polygon = ''' WHERE INTERSECTS(s_region,POLYGON('', {0} )) = 1'''.format(polygon) return query_intersects_polygon
# Conditions # ToDo, these can be compacted in one single function
[docs]def condition_tables_like(tables=None): r"""Create a `LIKE` - `OR` condition over a list of table_names If `tables` is `None` the query the conditions will be substitute with '%' meaning that will have no effect Args: tables (list): list of `str` containing the table_name for which columns information will be returned Returns: str: set of conditions in the format: table_name LIKE --- OR """ condition_tables = '''''' if tables is None: list_tables = ['%'] else: list_tables = tables.copy() for table in list_tables: condition_table = ''' table_name LIKE '{}' OR'''.format(table) condition_tables = condition_tables + condition_table # remove the last OR condition_tables = condition_tables[:-3] return condition_tables
[docs]def condition_instruments_like(instruments=None): r"""Create condition string to select only specific instruments in `ivoa.ObsCore` Args: instruments (list): limit the search to the selected list of instruments (e.g., `XSHOOTER`) Returns: str: string containing the `instrument_name` condition for a query """ condition_instruments = ''' AND (''' if instruments is None: list_instruments = ['%'] else: list_instruments = instruments.copy() for instrument in list_instruments: condition_instrument = ''' instrument_name LIKE '{}' OR'''.format(instrument) condition_instruments = condition_instruments + condition_instrument # remove the last OR condition_instruments = condition_instruments[:-3] + ''' )''' return condition_instruments
[docs]def condition_data_types_like(data_types=None): r"""Create condition string to select only specific data product types in `ivoa.ObsCore` Args: data_types (list): limit the search to the selected list of dataproduct types (e.g., `spectrum`) Returns: str: string containing the `dataproduct_type` condition for a query """ condition_data_types = ''' AND (''' if data_types is None: list_data_types = ['%'] else: list_data_types = data_types.copy() for data_type in list_data_types: condition_data_type = ''' dataproduct_type LIKE '{}' OR'''.format(data_type) condition_data_types = condition_data_types + condition_data_type # remove the last OR condition_data_types = condition_data_types[:-3] + ''' )''' return condition_data_types
[docs]def condition_collections_like(collections=None): r"""Create a `LIKE` - `OR` condition over a list of collections If `collections` is `None` the query the conditions will be substitute with '%' meaning that will have no effect Args: collections (list, optional): list of `str` containing the names of the collections for which columns information will be returned Returns: str: set of conditions in the format: collection LIKE --- OR """ condition_collections = '''''' if collections is None: list_collections = ['%'] else: list_collections = collections.copy() for collection in list_collections: condition_collection = ''' collection LIKE '{}' OR'''.format(collection) condition_collections = condition_collections + condition_collection # remove the last OR condition_collections = condition_collections[:-3] return condition_collections