Source code for ESOAsg.queries.query_catalogues

r"""Child class to run queries to the ESO catalogue

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import MaskedColumn

from ESOAsg import default
from ESOAsg import msgs
from ESOAsg.core import tap_queries
from ESOAsg.queries import query

[docs]class ESOCatalogues(query.Query): r"""This class is designed to query the scientific catalogues provided by the principal investigators of ESO observing programmes This is a child of :class:`ESOAsg.queries.query.Query` with the `tap_service` defined to be: >>> tap_service=tap_queries.define_tap_service('eso_tap_cat') Args: query (str): String containing the query type_of_query (str): type of query to be run maxrec (int, optional): define the maximum number of entries that a single query can return result_from_query (astropy.table.Table): result from the query to the TAP service """ def __init__(self, query=None, result_from_query=None, type_of_query='sync', maxrec=default.get_value('maxrec')): # assign tap_service super().__init__(tap_service=tap_queries.define_tap_service('eso_tap_cat'), query=query, result_from_query=result_from_query, type_of_query=type_of_query, maxrec=maxrec)
[docs] def set_last_version(self, update=True): r"""Set the `last_version` column to the `result_from_query` attribute `last_version` is a column of `bool` where `False` means that there is a more update version of a catalogue This works only if `result_from_query` contains the columns: `version` and `title`. In case the `last_version` column is already present, a warning is raised. Args: update (bool): in case the `last_version` column is already present the code will update the value only if `update` is set to `True` Returns: None """ # Require that title and version are present in result_from_query for check_column in ['title', 'version']: if check_column not in self.which_columns(): msgs.warning('{} column not present, `last_version` will not be created'.format(check_column)) # Check that last_version is not present in result_from_query if 'last_version' in self.which_columns(): if update: msgs.warning('`last_version` column already present') else: msgs.warning('`last_version` column already present and it will not be updated') return # Get last versions unique_titles = np.unique(self.result_from_query['title'].data).tolist() last_version = np.zeros_like(self.result_from_query['version'].data, dtype=bool) for unique_title in unique_titles: most_recent_version = np.nanmax(self.result_from_query['version'].data[ (self.result_from_query['title'].data == unique_title)]) last_version[(self.result_from_query['title'].data == unique_title) & (self.result_from_query['version'].data == most_recent_version)] = True self.result_from_query.add_column(MaskedColumn(data=last_version, name='last_version', dtype=bool, description='True if this is the latest version of the catalog')) return